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Fees are based on an 11 week term. We are very competively priced.
Children's Classes
1/2 hour = £61 a term
3/4 hour = £64 a term
1 hour = £66 a term
3 or less students in a class = £65 a term
Private Lessons = £30 per hour
(£25 for 45 mins, £20 for 1/2 hour)
Elite Classes = £110 per term
Discount of 5%...
To siblings doing 2 or more classes each
For single bills over £200 a term
2nd class in the same style is £38 e.g. Modern £64 plus Jazz £38 or Ballet Class £66 and 2nd ballet class £38
Payment is due within the first 2 weeks of each new term. Please note, if you are leaving, half a terms notice is required or a full terms fees will be due.
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